Research shows that most people gain an extra pound during this time. This doesn’t sound like much, but research shows most people do not lose this weight the following year. Over time, this pound-a-year weight gain can quickly add up to the 15-20 pounds that many of us struggle with. What makes this a real concern is that being overweight has been shown to be one of the leading risk factors associated with developing heart disease, diabetes and many cancers. So in the winter it’s important to minimize the amount of food you eat to avoid gaining this one-pound weight unnecessarily. Try to continue or increase exercise if possible.
Aside from eating smaller portions, here are a few tips on what to eat from a Chinese medical perspective to keep the body strong during the winter and to avoid colds. The Chinese very much understood the nature of the seasons and its effect on the body. They suggest avoiding raw foods during the winter as much as possible, as these tend to cool the body, which weaken our immune system. During winter you should emphasize warming, nurturing foods like:
· Soups and stews
· Root vegetables
· Beans
· Miso and seaweed
· Garlic and ginger
Eating warm hearty soups, whole grains, and roasted nuts can help to warm the bodies core and to keep us healthy!