I like to call Nutritional Yeast – “Happy Flakes” or “Happy Hippy Dust” because the high B-vitamin status namely B12 and folic acid have a chemical effect on helping build neurotransmitters needed for better mood and energy. Also these B-Vitamins are helpful for stress reduction and sleep.
Nutritional Yeast also contains amino acids and 15 minerals including iron, magnesium, phorphorus, zinc, and chromium, and selenium. Minerals such as chromium assist in regulating blood sugar which is important for diabetics. Plus, nutritional yeast also contains a high amount of fiber, which eliminates constipation and helps lower cholesterol.
So get some Nutritional Yeast and sprinkle that magic hippy dust all over your popcorn or anything else you might want to eat for a happy hippy boost! Once you start you won't be able to stop. Trust me...I am eating it as I am writing this blog...in my Naturopathic office in Jerusalem. Yum.